Help Chronicles #7: Managing Stock Designs

Help Chronicles #7: Managing Stock Designs
  • Post author:
  • Post published:Jul 2, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Managing stock designs in your Affiliate Stores and Online Designer can be a game-changer for your business. Stock designs are pre-made templates that can be quickly customized, allowing for faster production times and more creative options for your customers. In this article, we’ll explore how DecoNetwork simplifies the process of managing all your designs.

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Managing Stock Designs In DecoNetwork

The Stock Designs page is a central hub for managing the designs within your DecoNetwork Admin section. This page is a powerful tool to ensure that your Affiliate online stores have access to diverse artwork, enhancing their offerings, and improving customer satisfaction.

How To View Stock Designs?

You can access designs in the Admin section of DecoNetwork.
  • Instruction on how to view Stock Designs
  • How To Add A Stock Design Collections?

    Every month, the DecoNetwork Membership package receives new stock design collections with trendy templates, such as School Spirit, Football, and many more.
  • Enable new Design Collections
  • Show Stock Designs In The Affiliate Store

    This guide will show you how to activate designs in an affiliate store.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to show Stock Designs in an Affiliate store
  • Hide Stock Designs In The Affiliate Store

    This guide will show you how to deactivate designs in an affiliate store to help control your brand consistency.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to hide Stock Designs in an Affiliate store
  • Show Stock Designs In The Online Designer

    This guide will show you how to show designs in the Online Designer globally, ensuring that these designs are available in all your affiliate stores.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to show Stock Designs in the Online Designer
  • Hide Stock Designs In The Online Designer

    This guide will show you how to hide designs in the Online Designer globally, ensuring that these designs are available in all your affiliate stores.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to hide Stock Designs in the Online Designer
  • The Perks Of DecoNetwork Artwork Designs

    With DecoNetwork, you can add unlimited templates and designs, select from preexisting third-party collections, or get new free-of-charge DecoNetwork collections released monthly! DecoNetwork’s robust technology allows you to manage what collections are available to all of your affiliate stores versus just the selected ones.

    Final Thoughts

    Effectively managing your stock designs in affiliate stores and the online designer can significantly enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. DecoNetwork’s tools allow you to organize, customize, and distribute designs seamlessly across your network, ensuring a consistent brand experience. By leveraging these capabilities, you save time, reduce errors, and expand your product offerings. Embrace the power of DecoNetwork to elevate your affiliate stores and achieve greater success.